A-1 Mechanical Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Lansing’

Stay Comfortable & Save Money With Good HVAC Care

Monday, March 24th, 2025

Your home’s heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system plays a crucial role in keeping you comfortable year-round. Whether it’s the scorching heat of summer or the bitter cold of winter, a well-maintained HVAC system ensures that your indoor environment remains pleasant.

One of the best ways to achieve this is by scheduling regular service from an expert in heating and cooling in Lansing, MI. By staying on top of routine maintenance and addressing issues as soon as they arise, you can prevent costly breakdowns and maximize energy efficiency.

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5 Tips for a More Efficient Winter

Monday, December 16th, 2024

Heating is expensive! Here in Michigan, chances are, it’s the largest chunk of your annual utility expenditure. You certainly can’t do without reliable heating in Lansing, MI, but you also don’t want to spend any more than you must to keep your home safe and warm. How can you cut your energy spending and still keep your family cozy? Here are 5 heating efficiency tips to help you out.

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Should I Repair or Replace My Old Furnace?

Monday, November 4th, 2024

It won’t be long now before your heating system is under the strain of another Michigan winter. Are you confident that it will keep you warm? Have you had your heating maintenance done? Perhaps, when you did get maintenance, your HVAC technician told you that your furnace needed a significant repair. Or maybe you knew, even last spring, that it was not in very good condition.

At some point, the time will come when you need to get a new heating system. But because of the cost and inconvenience, you don’t want to do that any sooner than you have to. How can you tell when it’s time? We’ve got some pointers for you to consider that can help you make the decision about whether it’s time for furnace replacement in Lansing, MI.

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Get Heating Maintenance for Your Safety

Monday, October 7th, 2024

Your heating system has a long winter ahead of it, keeping you and your family cozy, along with other things like preventing your plumbing pipes from freezing. Don’t let it try to do all that without any basic care. Heating systems need maintenance in order to do all that work. Why? There are many reasons, but today, we’re going to focus on one extremely important one.

Whether your heating system is electric or uses the combustion of a fuel like natural gas, it can pose risks to your home and family if something goes wrong. The most critical reason to get annual heating system maintenance done is safety. What do we mean by that? What are the other benefits? In this blog post, we’ll go over the many reasons why you should make an appointment for heating maintenance in Lansing, MI today if you haven’t done so already.

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Make a Smooth HVAC Transition from Cooling to Heating

Monday, September 23rd, 2024

Fall is a glorious time of year in Michigan. The crisp breezes and colorful leaves can make it so you want to spend all the time outdoors that you can. But don’t forget—once autumn arrives, it’s only a matter of time before winter will follow. And you need to be prepared.

One of the most important things to pay attention to during the seasonal transition is your HVAC system. You need to make sure your air conditioner ends the season properly and your heating system is ready for the cold weather to hit. How can you make a smooth switch from cooling to heating for your HVAC system this fall? We’ve got a quick and easy checklist for you.

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Boost Your AC Efficiency This Summer

Monday, July 15th, 2024

It’s important to stay comfortable in the summer. It may even be critical to your well-being to avoid extreme temperatures and keep your home cool enough! But the cost of all that energy can be shocking. Cooling and heating homes is the #1 consumer of energy in American households, and that energy can be expensive. What can you do about it?

Since being uncomfortable or unsafe in sweltering temperatures simply isn’t a reasonable option, you’ve got to find other ways to cut your electric bill without cutting your comfort. We’ve got some great tips for how to boost your AC efficiency this summer, keeping just as cool while using less energy and lowering your utility bills.

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Is Your Air Conditioner’s Fan Broken?

Monday, May 20th, 2024

When you can hear your air conditioner turning on, and the compressor is humming away, but you’re still not getting the cool air you need to make your home comfortable, what in the world is going on? Chances are, you’ve got a problem with your air conditioner’s fan. What’s the problem? What should you do about it? We’ve got answers for you.

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How Maintenance Prevents AC Repair Needs

Monday, April 8th, 2024

This spring, make sure you schedule air conditioner maintenance before the temps get high enough that you’ll need to run your AC. How important is maintenance for your AC system, you ask? Well, it can save you from all kinds of bother, trouble, and expense. 

Want your air conditioner to run more efficiently? Get maintenance. Want to make sure it will be as effective as possible in heat waves? Get maintenance. Want to keep the system running for as many years as possible before you have to replace it? You guessed it… maintenance. And perhaps you’d like to eliminate the need for air conditioner repair. Well, maintenance cuts AC repair needs by 85%. Let us explain how it works.

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Should I Replace My AC With a Heat Pump?

Monday, March 25th, 2024

As your air conditioner ages, you will notice more and more problems with it. Troubles that require repair crop up more frequently. Maybe it sounds like it’s struggling, or just isn’t getting the job done as well as it used to, even though you’ve scheduled routine maintenance. At some point, you’ll start thinking about replacing it.

When you start to consider AC replacement, there are a lot of factors you might be considering, like the size of a new unit, the cost, and how efficient it is. There’s one thing we suggest you think about before you make any other decisions. Should I replace my air conditioner with a heat pump instead of another AC unit? There are some major benefits, and we’ll outline them for you.

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Do Heat Pumps Need a Lot of Repairs?

Monday, March 11th, 2024

If you’re a new heat pump owner, or you’re considering becoming one, there may be some things you don’t know. After all, chances are, you’re much more familiar with air conditioners and furnaces, in terms of what to expect. Are there things to be aware of with your heat pump? They are pretty incredible systems. Does that mean they require more repairs than your AC or heater?

The truth of the matter is, there’s not a whole lot of difference between your heat pump and an air conditioner. Most of the basic components are the same, which means that most of the concerns and potential problems are also the same. But in order to take good care of your heat pump, there are a couple of things you should know.

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