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Why Fall Furnace Tune-Ups Are So Important

Fall is right around the corner and with it comes many things. The kids go back to school, the days get shorter, the weather gets colder, and you transition from using your air conditioner to using your furnace. This period of transition is the one where every HVAC company strongly recommends getting furnace maintenance, us included.

A well-functioning furnace is essential for getting your family through the entire winter. And the absolute best way to ensure its proper functioning is to have it tuned up. That’s because during maintenance, our technicians will check for any issues that could become problematic if left unchecked. We’ll clean the furnace and perform a series of essential checks not only to ensure its functionality, but its safety as well. Let’s go over some of the benefits of scheduling furnace maintenance this fall. 

Unsafe Operation

If your home has a gas-powered furnace, you need to make sure that it’s operating safely. Although they are rare, any gas-powered appliance has the potential to cause health and safety concerns because of the potential for carbon monoxide leaks. Although the modern gas furnace is designed with safety as the top priority, not getting annual tune-ups can lead to a safety precaution failure. To ensure your furnace is working safely, be sure to have it inspected and tuned up each year

An Unexpected Breakdown in Service

Second to safety, the next most important job that maintenance does for a furnace is to reduce the likelihood of an unexpected breakdown. No one wants to be faced with a non-working furnace during the holidays or on the coldest day of the year. Scheduling maintenance before fall officially arrives is the best “insurance policy” against this sort of home comfort disaster.

Unexpected Repairs that Could’ve Been Avoided

This is an essential statistic to be aware of: 80% of the repairs we see in furnaces could’ve been prevented by routine maintenance. That’s not the majority of repairs you’ll prevent; that’s almost all of them. You’ll not only save money, but you’ll enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing your furnace is less likely to need a repair on the coldest stretch of days in the year.

Unnecessarily High Utility Bills

Your utility bills naturally increase in the fall and winter months because you’re using your furnace a lot. But those bills can really skyrocket if your furnace isn’t routinely tune-up and cleaned. In fact, the average furnace loses 5% of its energy efficiency when routine, annual maintenance is skipped on a regular basis. Maintenance practically pays for itself when you consider how much more you could be paying for utilities this winter!

\We know how important it is to have a furnace you can depend on during our cold winters. Not only does it keep your home comfortable during the winter, but it also keeps your family safe when temperatures plummet. When it comes to furnace maintenance, we don’t cut corners or take shortcuts. Schedule your furnace maintenance services with us today.

Contact A-1 Mechanical Heating & Cooling for your next furnace tune-up in Lansing, MI. Comfort and Character You Can Depend On!

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