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Why Isn’t My Heat Pump Heating?


Your heat pump is a technological marvel. Using the same approach as an air conditioner, it is able to not just cool, but also heat your home. And it’s the heating where it truly excels. There’s no other way to heat a home that’s quite so efficient. But it’s only marvelous as long as it works. What if your heat pump stops heating your home? What could have gone wrong? Let’s take a look.

Step 1: Power

First, let’s see if your heat pump is actually receiving power. If it simply isn’t on at all, go to your electrical panel and check for any tripped circuit breakers. This can happen from something as minor as plugging a vacuum into the same circuit that your heat pump is on. If you find a tripped breaker, reset it. 

Does it work now? Fantastic! Do keep in mind that if it keeps tripping the circuit breaker, even when other things aren’t plugged into the same circuit, it’s a sign of an electrical problem and will need repair. But if this is a one-time occurrence, congratulations, your problem is solved. And if not? It’s on to step 2.

Step 2: Thermostat

It’s remarkably easy for a thermostat to be accidentally switched from “heat” to “off” or “cool” or for a vacation setting which uses a lot less energy to be turned out. It might have been the bump of an elbow, a batting cat paw, or a small child who enjoys pushing buttons. Just take a look and see if your thermostat is set the way you intend for it to be.

Step 3: Air Filter

While it’s rare for a dirty and clogged air filter to completely shut down a heat pump, it is possible! If you haven’t cleaned or replaced your air filter in the last few weeks, or if you’ve got excess dust in your home due to home renovations or spring cleaning, take a look now. 

Step 4: Indoor Unit

This is a quick and easy check. Did you know your heat pump has an on/off switch on the indoor unit? Like the thermostat, this could have accidentally been bumped or reset. Just make sure it’s in the “on” position.

Step 5: Outdoor Unit

It’s normal for a bit of frosty buildup to occur on a heat pump’s outdoor unit, but if it’s coated in layers of ice, it simply won’t be able to absorb any heat out there. The ice will act like insulation and keep the air and the refrigerant too well separated. This is a job for an HVAC technician who can defrost the unit.

Step 6: Serious Repair Needs

Other potential causes include a faulty reversing valve, a refrigerant leak leading to low refrigerant levels, or an electrical issue. At this point, you simply need to get professional help with your heat pump not heating in East Lansing, MI. We’re always happy to be of service!

Contact A-1 Mechanical Heating & Cooling for heat pump services in Lansing, MI. Comfort and Character You Can Depend On.

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