A-1 Mechanical Blog: Archive for the ‘Home Improvement’ Category

How to Save on AC Installation This Summer

Saturday, March 11th, 2023
Digital Thermostat

Many homeowners wait until an AC unit fails beyond repair. While A-1 Mechanical provides excellent air conditioning installation services even in emergencies, knowing the warning signs of a faltering air conditioning system is important to save money. If you notice cooling costs are rising, performance is wavering or you experience frequent breakdowns then you should begin to consider new air conditioners.

Signs Your Air Conditioner Needs Replaced

As summer heat rises, older units can often show indications of failure. Beyond monitoring energy use be alert to these top signs your air conditioner is going to break:

  • Uneven temperatures throughout the home
  • Shutting down before the desired temperature is achieved as known as short cycling
  • Refrigerant leaks, frozen lines and odd noises from outdoor unit
  • Odd smells from vents when the air conditioner is running
  • Constantly running or blowing warm air
  • Unit is older than 10 years

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What Are the Benefits of an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

Thursday, October 15th, 2020

Improving indoor air quality and lowering heating and cooling expenses are top concerns of Lansing area homeowners. We want clean air and comfortable temperatures inside our homes, as well as protection for the valuable HVAC systems that help us achieve these positive conditions. An energy recovery ventilator, or ERV, is a piece of ventilation equipment that helps Michigan homeowners accomplish these goals and more.

A-1 Mechanical explains the benefits of installing and utilizing an energy recovery ventilator in a home environment. Learn more about how an ERV could benefit your family when you schedule a consultation with our team today!

What Is an Energy Recovery Ventilator?

An energy recovery ventilator is a type of ventilation system that replaces stale indoor air with fresh outdoor air. What makes this equipment different from some other ventilation solutions is that it makes this exchange without wasting energy. The ERV retains the heat energy and moisture from the indoor air that is exhausted outside the home for the treatment of incoming fresh air.

In the wintertime, incoming air is warmed by the ERV and moisture is added to prevent dry air issues inside the home. When used in the summertime, the energy recovery ventilator uses the dehumidified indoor air to treat the incoming outside air before it moves into your home, so excess heat and moisture are removed.

Benefits of an Energy Recovery Ventilator

There are many reasons to use an energy recovery ventilator in your Lansing home. Area residents prefer this ventilation solution because of these valuable benefits gained through its use.

Improved Indoor Air Quality

Even though many consider air pollution to be an outdoor problem, the air outside is actually less polluted than the air inside your home. Contaminants are introduced to the home environment in many ways, from open doors to the products we use inside. Most homes today are tightly sealed to help the structure retain heating and cooling energy, which has a downside of also trapping airborne contaminants inside.

It’s important to bring fresh air into the home on a regular basis to replace the indoor air that becomes stale and polluted with high contaminant concentrations over time. Polluted indoor air is exhausted out of the home by the energy recovery ventilator, providing a significant boost for the home’s indoor air quality. Reduce allergens, odors, and more to create a healthier, more comfortable environment inside your residence.

Reduced Maintenance

As energy recovery ventilators expel airborne contaminants outside the home, the home as well as the HVAC system experiences less buildup of these particles. Your living areas stay cleaner for longer, and so do your heating and cooling components! Furnace filters do not clog as fast and ducts don’t experience contaminant buildup that contributes to leaking ductwork and the need for duct cleaning.

Energy Savings

A benefit unique to an energy recovery ventilator as compared to some other ventilation solutions is the energy savings it helps users generate. Traditionally, the process of exhausting indoor air and replacing it with fresh outdoor air means some heating and cooling energy is lost from the conditioning of the exhausted air. The process also requires more HVAC system energy consumption to heat or cool the incoming air to comfortable temperatures. Since an ERV retains thermal energy and moisture to use in the pretreatment of fresh air, the initial energy waste is eliminated as well as the need for more heating and cooling energy consumption.

HVAC System Protection

By pretreating incoming air with thermal energy and moisture from exhaust air, the energy recovery ventilator alleviates the burden on the home’s HVAC system. Running fewer heating or cooling cycles reduces the wear and tear on a home’s furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner. HVAC equipment condition is better preserved to prevent system breakdowns and repairs, while helping the heating and cooling units stay in service for longer periods.

Learn More About ERVs from A-1 Mechanical!

If you’re interested in having an energy recovery ventilator installed in your Greater Lansing area home, contact A-1 Mechanical today! Our staff educates homeowners on the benefits of proper ventilation and provides expert installation of new ventilation equipment.

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Benefits of Home Automation Systems

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
Home Improvement

Have you ever wanted to more closely monitor and control your home’s temperature? Most of us have felt that way when our homes are at an uncomfortable temperature. In order to find out if a home automation system or smart home gadget is the right choice for your residential heating and cooling system, we recommend you contact a licensed HVAC technician in your area.


With the home automation system, you are able to monitor and change the temperature settings via the touch screen thermostat or a smartphone app. The mobile app for your newly-installed home automation system can help you remotely control temperatures from anywhere.

This user-friendly feature is perfect for people who have to travel a lot for their jobs or who like to go on long vacations. For example, for extended trips during the winter, you can decrease the temperature of the house while you’re away to save money. Remember that the minimum temperature to keep pipes from freezing is 55 degrees Fahrenheit.


During the spring and fall months, the temperature can vary dramatically during the course of a day. For example, it isn’t uncommon during the spring months for it to be 40 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning and 65 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon. For this reason, it may be necessary to run the furnace during the early morning hours, but not in the afternoon. With a residential home automation system, you are able to customize heating and cooling settings to compensate for the seasonal temperature fluctuations outside.


If you are looking to increase the energy efficiency of your home, a quality home automation system is a great start. By tracking how your heating and cooling appliances are used during the week, you can determine how to better make use of energy dollars. Home automation systems help you take manageable steps toward energy efficiency.


Whenever you increase the energy efficiency of your home, you are also saving money on your energy bills. While a few bucks a month may not seem like a big deal, over the years this can add up to significant savings. Most of the customers we work with enjoy having a little extra pocket money each month to spend on other things besides heating and cooling their homes. Plus, you have the satisfaction of making smart energy-saving choices for your home’s heating and cooling system.


If you already have a safety or security system installed in your home, you can connect it to your new home automation system. Through the home automation system app, you are able to watch live feed from your home’s connected security cameras. This integrated safety feature can help you feel more secure if you have to travel for long periods of time. If you have to work full time, it can also help you make sure your older children arrive safely from school.

For home automation system installation, you should contact an experienced Lansing heating and cooling contractor. Once the system is installed, they can help you get acquainted with your new technology.

If you are interested in our home automation system installation service, please feel free to call one of our licensed Lansing HVAC technicians at (517) 272-8629. A-1 Mechanical is dedicated to helping customers maintain comfortable homes with the latest heating and cooling technology.

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3 HVAC Systems for New Home Construction

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019
HVAC Systems

Are you trying to decide on a HVAC system for new construction? This is an important decision that can impact how much you pay for future energy bills while keeping your home at a comfortable temperature year-round. In this blog post, we will go over three different types of heating and cooling systems for your new custom-built home. For more information, we recommend getting in touch with licensed heating and cooling contractors near you with experience in new home construction.


Ductless systems allow you to create zones of comfort in your home. Do you or a family member prefer a lower temperature setting than the rest of the family? No problem. A ductless heating and cooling system allows you to set different temperatures for different areas of your home.

Ductless HVAC units are more energy efficient than their ducted counterparts because no energy is lost while traveling through the ducts. Preventing energy loss can help you save money on utility bills over time. Ductless systems are also quieter than other HVAC systems, which can make for a more peaceful home.

Having control over temperature settings throughout your home can even help you save money on energy bills. For example, you may want to set the upstairs ductless HVAC units for a lower temperature in the summer to account for the fact that heat rises. Units downstairs can be set at a higher temperature.


Gas furnaces work by safely igniting gas via the pilot light to heat air. This air is then forced through the vents in your home to provide warmth in the winter. You are able to control when your furnace turns on through the thermostat. For example, the furnace will only kick on if the temperature in your home drops below the programmed temperature.

Furnaces are a reliable way to heat your home during the long winter months. However, you’ll also need to install an air conditioning unit to keep your home comfortable in hot weather. A heating and cooling contractor can let you know what HVAC systems work well in your climate.


Did you know that the temperature underneath the surface of the earth stays around 47 to 50 degrees Fahrenheit year-round? Heat pump systems take advantage of this by pumping hot air out of your home in the summer and warm air into your home in the winter. If you decide to install geothermal heat pumps, your contractor will need to dig holes near your house where the pipes will be installed. Heat pump installation is much easier when building a new home because you don’t have to worry about how it’ll affect landscaping.

The Lansing heating and cooling contractors at A-1 Mechanical are dedicated to helping homeowners make informed decisions during new home construction through quality furnace installation and air conditioning installations services. If you are interested in learning which heating and cooling system is best for your custom built home, give us a call at (517) 272-8629.

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How to Choose HVAC Systems for New Home Construction

Tuesday, May 14th, 2019

Building your dream home can be an exciting (and stressful) process. During the planning phase, you will need to make a lot of important decisions that will impact the function and comfort of your new home.

In this blog post, we will go over questions designed to help you choose an HVAC system for new home construction. If you have further questions, we recommend consulting with a Lansing heating and cooling contractor near you.


The climate will determine which HVAC systems are practical to heat and cool your home. For example, you’ll want a reliable home heating system for the cold Michigan winters. Both furnaces and heat pumps supply reliable heat for homeowners during the winter months. Heat pumps work by taking advantage of air underneath the surface of the earth that stays around 47 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit year-round. Depending on the temperature, this air is used to heat or cool your home. Furnaces work by igniting gas to heat air. This warm air is then forced through ducts to heat your home.


For most Michiganders, the answer to this question is yes. The next step is to determine what to pick from the different types of air conditioning systems. If you want customized air-conditioned comfort in a specific room, you may want to go with ductless systems. Ductless systems are also great for any additions you decide to build after initial construction. If you want cool air pumped throughout your home, you’ll want to invest in an air conditioning unit.


Energy-efficient heating and cooling appliances often have higher start-up costs, but lower energy costs in the long term. According to homeadvisor.com, the national average cost of heat pump installation is $5,386 while the cost for new furnace installation is $4,177. Some homeowners consider energy-efficient HVAC systems a worthy investment in their home while others may not place energy efficiency as a high priority.

SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The SEER rating for an air conditioner measures its energy efficiency, which is the amount of energy it takes to produce a certain amount of cool air. Energy-efficient air conditioners will have high SEER ratings. Furnaces and boilers use AFUE (Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency) to measure energy efficiency.


While radiant floor heating may currently be on your wish list, check to see if it’s feasible for your budget. According to Angie’s List, the cost of hydronic radiant floor heating runs between $9,000 and $22,500 for a 1,500 square foot home. Keep in mind that radiant flooring is often a supplemental source of heat for climates that experience wide temperature fluctuations.

Furnaces cost significantly less and are able to heat your entire home during the most bitter winter days. Your budget will ultimately determine what new construction HVAC systems are feasible to install. For example, many homeowners choose to only install radiant heating in certain rooms, such as the kitchen.

A-1 Mechanical is a Lansing heating and cooling company dedicated to helping homeowners pick the right HVAC system for their future residences. If you are interested in learning more about our new home construction HVAC services, give us a call at (517) 272-8629.

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What is a Home Automation System?

Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
Home Improvement

A home automation system allows you to remotely control your home’s indoor temperature around your schedule and the weather outside. In this blog post, we will go over the benefits of smart home systems so you can decide whether it’s worth the cost. For more information on what a home automation system or smart home gadget can do for your house, contact a HVAC technician near you.


Home automation allows you to remotely change the temperature inside your home. This is useful when you plan on being away from your home for an extended period of time. For example, people who travel for business may appreciate being able to control their home’s indoor temperature while on the go. Simply use the smartphone app to monitor and control indoor temperature.

A home automation system can also come in handy when you’re on vacation. There’s no reason why the air conditioner or furnace has to work as hard when there’s no one at home. However, we recommend keeping the indoor temperature above 55 degrees Fahrenheit to prevent pipes from freezing in the winter.


Any HVAC technician would be able to tell you that a programmable thermostat is the first step toward a more energy efficient home. A home automation system takes this one step further by tracking how your heating and cooling systems are used during the week. With this information, you can figure out the most efficient way to program your thermostat for your family’s schedule and the seasonal temperatures outside. Increasing the energy efficiency of your home can also decrease how much you pay for energy bills each month.


Save money with a home automation system. Home automation lets you to program your thermostat around the family’s schedule. For example, you may want to set the thermostat for a lower temperature in the winter while people are gone to school or work and have the indoor temperature increase the hour before people are expected to arrive home.


During the spring and fall months, it’s not uncommon for there to be a big difference between morning and afternoon temperatures. For example, it’s not uncommon in October for it to be 45 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning and 70 degrees Fahrenheit in the afternoon. On a day like that, you may want to program your smart thermostat so that the furnace runs in the morning, but shuts off around noon. A home automation system lets you program indoor temperatures according to the season for maximum energy savings.


Did you know that your home automation system can connect to the security system in your home? This means that you are able to watch live feed from your home’s connected security cameras through the home automation system app on your phone. A smart home is a safe home.

If your job takes you away from home a lot, you may feel more secure with connecting a home automation product to your existing security system. The app can also come in handy if you have to work full time, but want to make sure your children arrived home safely from school. If you wish to install a home automation system, we recommend calling a HVAC contractor near you.

Our Lansing HVAC contractors offer smart home systems so you can stay comfortable indoors year-round. To schedule HVAC service, or find the best home automation for your life, call A-1 Mechanical at (517) 272-8629.

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