The majority of people are more familiar with air conditioners, furnaces, and perhaps boilers than they are with heat pumps. But we always urge our customers to notice problems as soon as they arise, to keep them from worsening and leading to expensive repairs or system breakdowns. How can you tell there’s a problem with your heat pump? Here are the signs you need heat pump repair in Okemos, MI to be aware of so you can go back to enjoying your efficient comfort.
A-1 Mechanical Blog: Archive for the ‘Heat Pumps’ Category
Don’t Miss the Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair!
Monday, January 13th, 2025Is a Heat Pump an Upgrade from an Air Conditioner?
Monday, June 3rd, 2024If you’ve never had a heat pump, it might seem like a new-fangled gadget. It’s just in recent years that they’ve gotten so popular. But the fact of the matter is, it’s based on technology that’s over 150 years old, and they’ve been in use in some American homes about as long as air conditioners. That said, if they’re not familiar to you, you might have some questions.
How do heat pumps work? What makes them different from air conditioners? Are they better? Would a heat pump be an upgrade? We’ve got the answers for you.
Prepare for Heat Pump Installation
Monday, April 22nd, 2024Congratulations on choosing a heat pump for your next home cooling system. It’ll be equal to a top-notch air conditioner, while also providing super-efficient heating. But once you’ve decided on your heat pump and made an appointment to have it installed, you might still have some questions.
Chances are, it’s been a decade or so since you’ve had to deal with AC installation, or perhaps you purchased your home with your current air conditioner in place and have never gone through this process. And perhaps you’ve never had a heat pump before. What should you know about heat pump installation? How long will it take? And what can you do to make sure it goes well? We’ve got the answers.
Should I Replace My AC With a Heat Pump?
Monday, March 25th, 2024As your air conditioner ages, you will notice more and more problems with it. Troubles that require repair crop up more frequently. Maybe it sounds like it’s struggling, or just isn’t getting the job done as well as it used to, even though you’ve scheduled routine maintenance. At some point, you’ll start thinking about replacing it.
When you start to consider AC replacement, there are a lot of factors you might be considering, like the size of a new unit, the cost, and how efficient it is. There’s one thing we suggest you think about before you make any other decisions. Should I replace my air conditioner with a heat pump instead of another AC unit? There are some major benefits, and we’ll outline them for you.
Do Heat Pumps Need a Lot of Repairs?
Monday, March 11th, 2024If you’re a new heat pump owner, or you’re considering becoming one, there may be some things you don’t know. After all, chances are, you’re much more familiar with air conditioners and furnaces, in terms of what to expect. Are there things to be aware of with your heat pump? They are pretty incredible systems. Does that mean they require more repairs than your AC or heater?
The truth of the matter is, there’s not a whole lot of difference between your heat pump and an air conditioner. Most of the basic components are the same, which means that most of the concerns and potential problems are also the same. But in order to take good care of your heat pump, there are a couple of things you should know.
Do Heat Pumps Struggle in Cold Weather?
Monday, January 1st, 2024If you’re in the market for a new heating system, a heat pump has undoubtedly come up on your list of contenders. But you have one concern and that’s because you’ve heard that a heat pump struggles in cold weather. With our cold winter weather here in Michigan, you’re not sure it can handle the cold.
We’ve written this blog specifically to let you know that you shouldn’t be at all concerned about a heat pump’s ability to heat your home. Plus, there are cold weather heat pumps to choose from. You might even be interested in a dual fuel system. Let’s go over your options and assuage your fears.
Why Is My Heat Pump Not Blowing Hot Air?
Monday, December 4th, 2023Your heat pump works hard to keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter. As a 2-in-1 HVAC system, you look forward to its ability to keep your home comfortable all year round.
That’s why in the winter, it can be extremely frustrating when a heat pump is not blowing hot air. Cold air is what you want in the summer, not the winter.
You may be wondering if your heat pump is simply failing to change from cooling to heating mode or if something else is causing the issue. Let’s look at 4 possible causes of a heat pump that’s not blowing hot air.
How Often Should I Change My HVAC Filter?
Monday, October 9th, 2023A common question we get from homeowners has to do with how often to change the air filter. If you Google this info, the results can be confusing with recommendations from every month from twice a year. It’s understandable why people get confused!
Although the easiest answer is, “Change the air filter when it’s dirty,” it’s a little more nuanced than that. There are a lot of factors that determine how often you should change the HVAC filter. From your household size to whether you have pets, let’s answer the question more definitively.
4 Signs Your Heat Pump Needs Repair
Monday, August 14th, 2023If you own a heat pump, you’re probably quite happy with its performance. These two-in-one heating and cooling systems are increasing in popularity and for good reason. But just like with any major system, they still require the occasional repair need from every now and then.
What are some signs that your heat pump needs repair? Unusual noises, a heat pump that won’t switch modes, short cycling, and decreased airflow are all good signs that it’s time to call us for professional heat pump repair. Let’s go into more detail so you’ll know which repairs shouldn’t wait.
Using and Maintaining Your Heat Pump
Tuesday, April 11th, 2023How to Improve Your Heat Pump’s Efficiency

A-1 Mechanical is your local heating and cooling specialist in Lansing, Michigan, we help homeowners design systems for both hot summers and cold winters. Heat pumps provide cool air by circulating indoor air across very cold indoor coils. During the winter heat pumps condense outside air and circulate indoor air across hot indoor coils. Because Michigan winters become extremely cold, most homeowners use a heat pump for most of the winter and supplement warmth through a furnace on very cold days.
The goal of using your heat pump is to provide complete comfort while consuming the least amount of energy. Heat pumps are rising in popularity because they are driven completely by electricity. This means the heat pump does not create direct emissions and therefore, is considered renewable energy. When you work with a professional heat pump specialist from A-1 Mechanical you will discover the heat pump’s thermostat plays a large role in reducing energy bills.